
otrbristol | 16th August 2022

“Why I’m running for OTR” – Mark Allen, OTR Trustee

One of our fab Trustees Mark Allen caught up with fundraising manager Leilah about why he is taking on the Bristol Half this September

Why are you fundraising for OTR?

I have been a trustee for OTR for 4 years and I was a volunteer before that, so I have always been a great advocate for OTR and believe in their ethos around being a social movement. 

What kind of training are you doing to get ready for your half-marathon?

So I have run quite a few half-marathons before, and when I was younger I found it easy, and didn’t have to do much training! But I am past 40 now and have realized that it’s a lot harder! I am starting to ramp up the training program, trying to do three or four shorter runs in the week and a longer one on the weekend.

Do you find that exercise and running helps with your mental health?

Just being outdoors is absolutely essential for my mental wellbeing. It always has been. Adding exercise into that is a no-brainer, it gets those endorphins going and massively helps with my mental health.

Why do you think organisations like OTR are important?

I think what OTR is doing, is not just providing one-to-one therapies but it’s also providing spaces and communities for young people to support each other and to campaign and to try and change some of the conditions that children and young people face. So it’s about long lasting change for the better.

Thank you Mark! You can to donate to mark’s page here and there is still time to sign up for one of our free charity places.