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Running dates


Age range

11-17 year olds

Running length

6 weeks


25th January 4:30-5:45 pm

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Shameless is OTR’s group for anyone aged 11-17 feeling impacted by issues around body image and low self-esteem. “Know your worth, find your power”.


At Shameless we look at why we’ve grown to feel ashamed of our bodies, where expectations of how we should look come from, and how to fight back against these messages.

It is a safe space for sharing experiences with other young people, but you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.

During Shameless we will learn how to protect ourselves by:

  • Exposing the media
  • Challenging our thoughts and behaviours
  • Building self-worth

Together we’ll find practical ways to grow in confidence, accept our bodies and learn to celebrate who we are.

We can use closed captions and live transcriptions in our online sessions and we encourage those with hearing impairments to take part 

Workshop Overview

Week 1 – Introduction to shameless
Week 2 – Body image, history & negative thinking
Week 3 Media messages & how to fight back
Week 4 – Food & language
Week 5 Strengths & self-worth
Week 6 – Reflection & rounding up

This bitesized activity gives you a peek into the topics discussed at our Shameless sessions. Can you identify which Negative Automatic Thought matches each statement? P.S – you might want to pause the video to read the slides. 

"If you're ready to help yourself and get a wider view, this is perfect!”
Shameless feedback
"I liked the inclusive, supportive atmosphere - everyone is open!"
Shameless feedback
"I loved how positive it was, it made me feel confident in myself and I felt heard and listened to"
Shameless feedback
"I have a more positive outlook on my own body"
Shameless feedback
"If you're ready to help yourself and get a wider view, this is perfect"
Shameless feedback

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what we do